Last updated: 24 March 2018

This website is about Harold 'Fergie' Ferguson and Geneva Ferguson and it is as much of a story as it is a family archive.

The inseparable couple met in February 1942 and married in November that year. To this day (as of 15 March 2018 it has been more than 75 years) they remain together and very much in love. Of course they did not expect to be separated physically but they were due to the Second World War. In December of that year (1942) Fergie was conscripted into military service and sent to the UK until the end of the war and then after V-E day he was transferred to the German Occupation until November 1945.

The goal of this website is to chronicle all the things the Ferguson family has collected; specifically what Fergie and Geneva have collected in over 75 years of togetherness. This includes things about them too so you might find memories (down the road), stories or other things told from their perspective or the perspective of family members (and possibly friends too). Not all of this is available but the website is very much a work in progress. The following list is what is available as of the 24th of March 2018. Clicking on the link or scrolling down will give you more information about the topic in question; to return to the top click on the link it takes you to (Letters, Journals, etc.).


Despite the fact Fergie was deployed to the UK their relationship didn't falter; on the contrary it strengthened it to its core. They tried to write to each other every day and they remarkably were able to keep almost all the letters!

There are also letters from and to family and friends but the majority are between Fergie and Geneva during the war. Currently (as of 24 March 2018) all the letters from 1939 through all of March 1944 are on the website; in chronological order more will be added in due course. In addition there are other things on this website although there is much more to come in the future.

To access the letters click here or from the main page click on the picture of the stamp at the top right which looks like:

Image of a stamp

Then you can click on the year, the month and day. For every year, month and day there is information about what was actually going on with the war [1]; as of 10 June 2017 there is information for each year as well as every month and day up through January of 1942.

Layout of the letters

Each letter is scanned in and then transcribed (correcting any mistakes which are noticed in the process). The transcribed copy will always be found below the original letter. If any letters have something that might need further explanation e.g. what is V-mail it can be found below the transcribed copy.

People/Places/Things Referenced

As you are reading the letters you will undoubtedly notice the mention of other people, places or things and may wonder how they are related or what they are or how they're significant to the letters. In the year portion of the web site you can scroll to the bottom and open the Relationship link to find out who they are and how they are related (you can also click here to do that).


Although as of 24 March 2018 there are only scans of Harold's (better and more commonly known as Fergie) journal in 1991 the idea is there will be more than just this. To view the journals click on the image of a journal below the stamp on the main page which looks like:

Image of a journal

From here you can click on whose journal you would like to view and from that page the years and finally the month in particular. If you observe the navigation for the journal to the left of the page 1 there is a « and to the very right there is a ». These will take you to the previous or next page, respectively (if not at the first or last, respectively). It occurred to me just now that it would be ideal if there was a way to easily read it month by month but this will have to be done another time when more thought can be given to it.


If you click on the image in the middle of the home page of Fergie and Geneva Ferguson holding hands (or click here) you will see on the next page a list of various things the two have collected; currently this consists of:

Greetings Cards

At this time there is only one greeting card; this is from 1942 and it is a Father's Day card from Geneva.


Here too there is only one item; this is an interview in 2011 of Fergie and Geneva Ferguson.


Although we intend to expand this for now (24 March 2018) there are only quotes (clippings) of a number of categories. Rather than list the categories here we just refer you to the index (there are quite a few categories) here.

Wedding Announcement

As hard as it may be to believe in this day and age this marriage was meant to last and last it has: they are very much in love and have been for over 75 years. The wedding announcement can be found here.

Receiving content update announcements

As additional content is added to the website an announcement will be made on the announcements mailing list. If you would like to subscribe click here and fill in your email address in the field called 'Your email address'. You need not fill in any other information; simply click 'Subscribe'. You should receive an email shortly and you can then follow the instructions in the email in order to confirm your subscription. You can unsubscribe at any time (instructions found in the email you will receive upon subscribing).

[1] Although some of the wartime information is from my own knowledge from various resources over the years a great deal has been taken from The World War II Database (particularly their day by day account of the war which can be found here). In addition to this bibliography has some of the resources used; where possible I have included what specifically I have gathered from the resources.