July 1

The 1st American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force, more commonly known as The Flying Tigers, is formed.

Naomi to Geneva

July 3

Stalin orders the Red Army to implement a scorched earth policy. This would become a real problem for Nazi Germany due to no infrastructure and it was pure devastation as the Russian winter came.

Naomi to Geneva

July 28

Japan freezes American assets; this was in retaliation to America freezing Japan's assets and forbidding exportation of oil and other militarily important supplies to Japan as well as declaring the Panama Canal out of bounds for Japanese ships, two days earlier. The Netherlands East Indies breaks an agreement of 1940 by cutting off all shipments of oil to Japan, freezes assets and severely restricts all commerce with Japan.

Finland severs diplomatic ties with the United Kingdom.

German troops capture Kingisepp near Leningrad.

Kay to Geneva